Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) auch: Energiesparlampe genannt…
My thought on energy efficiency. Most people are proud of saving electricity by using modern lamps. But there is a but.
Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), as seen here, also called energy-saving light, were designed to replace incandescent light bulbs; some types fit into light fixtures designed for incandescent bulbs. The lamps use a tube that is curved or folded to fit into the space of an incandescent bulb and compact electronics in the base of the lamp.
This ballast consists, in my example, of eight visible electronic components at the front and three additional components at the back of a printed circuit. Like a transformer, rectifier, resistors, condensers, and so on.
Your common sense will soon imagine that from the 11 Watt, which is written outside the bulb, a lot will be consumed to run this electronic stuff. And will not be emitted as light.
This is only needed because we are connected to a monster-grid, which works on 110V or 230 Volts AC and either 50 or 60 Hz. (Cycles per second).
Although this type of lamp was just a step towards the now fashionable LED lamps, we should be aware that both types ONLY need low voltage DC for their operation. At the four thin rusty outlets at the right of my photo. See how it is done better: